Welcome to the Talkroute 10DLC Campaign Registration Form.

Please fill out the following form and attach your opt-in proof. All required fields need to be completed for each registration unless specified for specific use cases. Incomplete forms my result in delays, rejections, and possibly additional submission fees.

One campaign submission is required per business/entity/organization that uses local phone number text messaging. Multiple local phone numbers can be registered under a single campaign as long as they all share the same or similar use case and pertain to the same business.

Please visit the following links for more information, tips, and examples for the campaign registration process:

Talkroute 10DLC Campaign Registration Guide
CTIA guidelines

If you are not sure how to fill out this form, contact us at support@talkroute.com before submitting.

10DLC Campaign Registration Form

Company Information

Legal Company Name *

Enter your legal company name. Ensure that your legal company name is consistent with your IRS or corporation registration and properly spelled. Any mismatch can result in a rejection (including spaces, periods, or commas).

DBA or Brand Name

The DBA or Brand Name field is optional. If you are using a DBA make sure that it matches the brand represented by your Website/Online presence.

Legal Entity Type *

Choose the type of legal entity your company is registered as. Please note that if you select the Sole Proprietor legal entity type and your company is registered as a private company or other category your registration will result in a rejection.

Tax ID / EIN *

Enter the Tax ID/EIN associated with your company that matches with your legal company name. The Tax ID/EIN number is used in conjunction with the company’s legal name, address, and other information during the registration process. If your primary business registration is in Canada please use your Business Number (BN), Corporation/Incorporation Number, or Registry ID. A Tax ID/EIN is not required for a Sole Proprietor company type.

Talkroute Account Number *

Enter the Account Number for your Talkroute account that this campaign applies to. You can access your account number by visiting our Manage Your Account Page.

Primary Company Address or Corporate Headquarters *

Enter the primary address for your company, including the Street Address, City, State/Province, and ZIP/Postal Code. The address you enter should be the same that is used in your legal business registration paperwork.


Company URLs

Company URL/Website *

A working website link is required. A website that lands on a domain parking site (e.g. GoDaddy and Wix) or empty placeholder (e.g. “Coming Soon” or “Under construction”) will be rejected. Social Media Pages may be used instead of a company website, however, the page should be a company listing, not an individual page (unless for a Sole Proprietor).

Your company or DBA name must reflect what is on your website/online presence.

Please see our 10DLC Form Help Guide for more details.

Privacy Policy Link *

Privacy policies are required for 10DLC registration (except for some Sole Proprietor use cases). Your privacy policy should describe how you collect, use and share information from end users.

In some cases, you can provide a full privacy statement that indicates in detail that Personally
Identifiable Information (or PII) is not shared, sold, or conveyed to third parties for marketing purposes.

Please see our 10DLC Form Help Guide for more details.

Terms and Conditions Link

Your terms & conditions page should describe any applicable terms and conditions related to the messaging program (e.g., how to opt-out, customer care contact information, and link to any applicable privacy policy).

Please see our 10DLC Form Help Guide for more details.

Contact Details

Enter the name, email, and phone number of the contact person who manages messaging on your account. These details may or may not match what is on your website/online presence. If the company uses social media for an online presence, it’s best that these match the contact details with what is listed on the social media page.

If you are registering as a Sole Proprietor please enter a mobile contact phone number. A one time password or verification message will be sent to the mobile number as part of registration. Not providing a mobile phone number for Sole Proprietor types may delay your registration.


Phone Number and Usage Information

List Phone Numbers *

Enter all local Talkroute phone numbers you want to use for your registration. Do not list any Toll-free numbers or any local phone numbers not associated with your Talkroute account. Please seperate each number with a comma.

Estimated Monthly Text Volume *

Enter your estimated monthly texting volume for all numbers listed in your campaign form. This number should reflect an average of both incoming and outgoing messages combined. If you plan to expand your texting usage, please use an estimated value for where you will be in about six months.

Usage Category Type *

Choose a category that best represents your use case, content, and company. Please only select one category.

Use Case Description *

The Use Case Description should be used to describe what messaging will be used for with your local phone numbers. While it can include a short description of the brand, the majority of the text should describe the use-case and how you will be using SMS/MMS.

There is a minimum of 40 characters for the Use Case Description.

It is important that the use case description actually match your sample messages. You may optionally provide a one or two sentence outline of what the business does in addition to how messaging is used.

Please see our 10DLC Form Help Guide for more details.

Call-to-Action / Message Flow *

The Call-to-Action / Message Flow’s purpose is to describe how recipients of your text messages consent to receive your messages. In other words, how is opt-in consent obtained?

This should match the type of opt-ins that are on your website/online presence.

This will be a description of how opt-in or consent is obtained. There are many different ways that consent for messaging can be obtained, including through a website, a user-initiated text to the company, verbally, telephone calls and many others.

This field also has a 40 character minimum, so please provide a useful description for how consent is obtained. Try to be as accurate and descriptive as possible.

Please see our 10DLC Form Help Guide for more details.

Sample Messages *

Enter sample messages that will be sent by your numbers. These should be specific to your use case and not a generic set of messages. A minimum of 2 sample messages are required, but more can be provided in the other sample messages field. If you send a range of various messages, please provide an accurate sample of these messages. It’s also a very good idea to include your brand name and opt-out clause in sample messages.

Please see our 10DLC Form Help Guide for sample message examples.


Enter your opt-in, opt-out, and help keywords with the corresponding messages. The message examples to be provided are what the consumer receives AFTER they reply to a 10DLC text message with STOP, HELP, or other specified keywords. Your company (brand) name must be on each of your keyword messages and a minimum of 20 characters is required for each message.

Please see our 10DLC Form Help Guide for Keywords and Keyword Message examples.

Subscriber Opt-In *
An Opt-In keyword and message are required. A default JOIN keyword is pre-filled in this form, but you may use or include other keywords such as START, SUBSCRIBE, and YES.

You must show the message recipients will receive if they send your opt-in keyword(s) to your number.

Subscriber Opt-Out *

An Opt-out keyword and message are required. For keywords, STOP must always be supported and is the default. You may include other keywords such as END, EXIT, UNSUBSCRIBE that the consumer can send, and should be honored if you wish.

You must show the message recipients will receive if they had requested to opt-out via STOP or some other keyword.

Subscriber Help *

A HELP keyword and message are required. For keywords, HELP must always be supported and is the default. You may include other keywords if you want. You must show the message recipients will receive if they reply with the HELP (or any other designed) keyword.

Other Questions

Direct Lending or Loan Arrangement *

Select “YES” if the company originates loans or financing of any kind, including arranging third-party financing, loans, or mortgages. Otherwise, select “NO.”

If your website (regardless of business) indicates anywhere that it might provide or arrange financing, then check this attribute as “YES.” Companies such as window installers, HVAC dealers, home builders, home remodelers, and appliance companies will need have this attribute checked if they can arrange financing for consumers.

Embedded Links *

If any of the messages that you send will include a link (such as your website) select “YES.” We recommend always checking “YES” to cover you if you decide to include links in your messages at a later date. Otherwise, if you do not plan to send any links select “NO.”

Embedded Links Used *

If you select “YES” for embedded links, please enter the links you will be sending separated by commas or spaces. For embedded links, public URL shorteners will not be approved (bit.ly, tiny.url).

Embedded Phone Number *

If any of the messages that you send will include a phone number select “YES.” We recommend always checking “YES” to cover you if you decide to include phone numbers in your messages at a later date.

Age-Gated Content *

Indicates whether the usage includes any age-gated content as defined by CTIA guidelines. This is for approved texts that can only be sent to consumers over 21 and means that the business must check the consumer’s age before giving them the option to opt-in to receive text messages. This is allowed if proper age-gating procedures are in place. Select "YES" if it applies to your use case. Otherwise, select “NO.”

Terms & Conditions *

I confirm that this campaign will not be used for Affiliate Marketing.

Terms & Conditions

Opt-In Documents

Proof of consumer consent (opt-in) is required for registration. Outgoing messages are only permitted to numbers that have provided you explicit consent. One of the most common rejections received is, in part, due to not providing sufficient information for the opt-in. If you provide multiple methods of opting-in, please provide examples of each. At least one document is required and a maximum of 5 documents can be submitted.

Note: Consent can not be acquired from a third party. The sharing and selling of end-user information with third parties for marketing purposes violates messaging policies and is therefore ineligible for verification.

Please see our 10DLC Form Help Guide for Opt-In examples.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Paul Howey10DLC Campaign Registration