3 Ways to Make Sure You Never Miss a Voicemail


We all make it a top priority to never miss a phone call, but it can be just as detrimental to miss a voicemail. If a voicemail gets overlooked or accidentally deleted, you never know what opportunity was lost with that message.

That’s why you’ve got to have some protocol and sensible habits in place to make absolutely sure that you receive every message your customers leave for you.


1. Don’t Rely on Consumer Voicemail Services

It’s pretty risky to only utilize the voice mailbox that comes with your cell phone, or the one that comes with any of your phones, for that matter.

Your phone may malfunction and delete all of your messages for no apparent reason; the caller might get the dreaded, “mailbox is full” automated response—and there are a number of other things that can cause you to miss messages when using the internal voicemail service on your phone, which is why you need to use professional-grade, business voicemail, instead.

That way, you’ll have sufficient capacity so you don’t have to worry about callers being turned away, they will hear a business voicemail greeting instead of your personal greeting, and you can even manage all of your saved messages more easily.


2. Voicemail-to-Email

Notifications for new messages are crucial if you want to avoid missing or overlooking any of them, so to set up notifications from your email is a tremendous tool you can utilize to add an extra layer of awareness.

With a Talkroute system, for example, new voice messages can be set to automatically send you an email that contains the actual audio file of the message that you can play directly from the email without even logging into your account.

All you have to do to make sure you get your messages instantly is to set your email account to push the notification to your phone with every new message. That will make it a lot harder to miss a voicemail.


3. Keep it Organized

If you receive a steady volume of voicemail messages for your business, then there are multiple ways that it can become chaotic or disorganized, and one way this happens is if you only have a single default, catch-all mailbox for every voicemail that comes in.

It’s far more efficient to have separate mailboxes for each of your team members or departments, so that firstly, everyone knows which messages they need to reply to, and secondly, there is more manpower to handle all of them, which will cut your response time, as well.



How you stay on top of your voicemail messages is up to you, and every business monitors its voicemail in slightly different ways. It’s not a complicated thing, but the key is really just to figure out how to make sure new messages get in front of the right person in real time and are very easily accessible. These few tips are a solid starting point to strategize how you will respond to every customer without missing a single one.




Stephanie is the Marketing Director at Talkroute and has been featured in Forbes, Inc, and Entrepreneur as a leading authority on business and telecommunications.

Stephanie is also the chief editor and contributing author for the Talkroute blog helping more than 100k entrepreneurs to start, run, and grow their businesses.

Stephanie3 Ways to Make Sure You Never Miss a Voicemail