5 Engaging Formats that Work Best for Marketing Blogs - Writing Content for Business

5 Engaging Formats that Work Best for Marketing Blogs

Whether your writing experience is in conventional media or blog content (or you’re a business owner trying to put out a blog because you see the value in it) isn’t the most important thing. You have to realize that writing a marketing blog for your business is a totally different feat. At its core, the principles aren’t all that different. If the articles are exciting, original, interesting, or useful, then people are going to read them! However, what works in a marketing blog isn’t quite the same as traditional written work. There’s definitely a different slant on what captures the attention of an Internet audience. Take these five examples of article formats, and run with them because they will give you an immediate advantage..the ability to inspire clicks. 1. Numbered Lists Numbered lists are still some of the most clickable blog post types that you can use. Yes, the Internet …

Stephanie5 Engaging Formats that Work Best for Marketing Blogs
Commit to Your Blog for 12 Months

Why You Need to Commit to Your Blog for 12 Months

Everybody wants to see a quick return when they invest their time into something, but that rarely ends up being the outcome. In fact, the strategy that produces an immediate ROI is seldom the best strategy because the investments of time, energy, or money that you make for your business tend to be the ones that yield significant and sustained returns. Slow and steady ultimately wins the race in content marketing, and this is widely misunderstood among marketers who go into their content campaign expecting people to flock to their business website after posting a few blog articles. This is one of the primary reasons why business owners and online marketers don’t see the conversions from content that they want. We hope to dispel here some harmful illusions people have about content marketing, so that you can have real success with a longer-term campaign. Don’t Expect Overnight Results If you’re …

StephanieWhy You Need to Commit to Your Blog for 12 Months
Guest Blog Posting Ways Generate Backlinks

Guest Blog Posting & Other Ways to Generate Backlinks

  Backlinks. They are an indispensable mechanism to get a lot of traffic to your website, and without them, it will take you way more time to break free from the nominal amount of web traffic that you gain from merely creating and then posting your content. There are a few ways that you can get other websites to link back to your site. Take a moment to look at these simple strategies to get the ball rolling.   What are Backlinks, and Why are They So Important?   To put it very simply, a backlink is a hyperlink that someone posts on their website which links back to your website. Though you can generate visitors to your site in a variety of ways, backlinks are one of the most potent ways to increase your web traffic. The best part about it is that once you get a quality backlink, …

StephanieGuest Blog Posting & Other Ways to Generate Backlinks
Best Length for Blog Articles & When to Post Them

The Best Length for Blog Articles & When to Post Them

  There is unfortunately no magic formula that works universally when it comes to the length and frequency of posts for your business blog. Every business is different, and more importantly, every business has a different customer base, which means that reaching that audience and keeping their interest in your content varies pretty widely for each blog. There is some method to it, however, and you can get pretty close to the perfect length and posting schedule if you keep the following parameters in mind.   Post Length Will Depend on Multiple Factors   When deciding how long you want your blog posts to be, there is more than one factor you will have to take into account, including the obvious point of who your target audience is, as well as the type of blog it will be. Take a look at the following points to better understand what length …

StephanieThe Best Length for Blog Articles & When to Post Them
Write About Business Blog

What Should You Write About in Your Business Blog?

  Thanks for joining us again! As we continue our new series, Building Your Blog 101, we’re going to get into the meat of a blog and figure out how it is actually written. More to the point, this post will shed some light on WHAT you should be writing about, so that you can build an exciting blog that people genuinely look forward to reading. That is what draws traffic to your website; it’s a lot more than just mashing a bunch of highly-searched keywords into your headlines (which will only take you so far). Read on to learn what kind of content your blog posts should have, to gain more interest and increase conversions with a few simple strategies.   Your Field of Business is a Big Factor   It’s a good idea to take some time to consider how you can create content that is related to …

StephanieWhat Should You Write About in Your Business Blog?
Every Business Have a Blog

Why Does Every Business Have a Blog Now?

You most likely already know that having a blog attached to your business’ website is essential and why, but if you aren’t perfectly clear on the function of this kind of blog or don’t even have one on your site, then it will benefit you a great deal to gain an understanding of it. There’s a reason why most businesses have a website with a content marketing blog, and that’s for one simple reason–they work. If you’re a little foggy on why business blogs work so well, then this article will provide you with a clear explanation of their function, as well as an answer to why they work so well. A Business Must Follow Where Customers Are Placing Their Attention Blogging on the Web to promote your business, and ultimately sell product, is the latest incarnation of marketing (aside from the social media connection); however, the soul of it …

StephanieWhy Does Every Business Have a Blog Now?