Adapt to the Market to Ensure the Longevity of Your Small Business

“Of course it is easy to just keep on going the way you always have, but that is the easiest way to sabotage your own business.”   It isn’t easy for a business to stay open for the long haul. For a brand new startup, and even for those who have been around for a couple years—it all seems so simple. You have a great idea, an exciting vision, and you are even turning a profit. You managed to come up with a business idea that works, but that does not mean that you are immune to the perils of an ever-changing market. What works now may not always work. The bottom line is that if the market does not respond to what you are selling, then you have no choice but to discover what has to change, to retain the interest of consumers. Keep an Open Mind If you …

StephanieAdapt to the Market to Ensure the Longevity of Your Small Business

5 Helpful Tips for Running a Clean, Productive Business

“It’s all about doing things right.”   What is a productive business? Well, entrepreneurs from all walks of life would probably give a variety of definitions, but I think everyone agrees, at least, that a productive business is one that works all day long. As long as you are rolling along like a well-oiled machine, then you can probably consider yourself to be productive. To achieve that level of efficiency, however, is easier said than done and takes some thoughtful attention and organization. Here are a few suggestions that will hopefully pull your wheels unstuck from the mud and get your business running like a Swiss watch. 1. Keep Immaculate Records Keep your books clean and up to date. There are many reasons why excellent record-keeping is important, but one of the foremost is simply that it will save you time and frustration. Think about how stressful it is to …

Stephanie5 Helpful Tips for Running a Clean, Productive Business

Doing Business Locally

“Doing business locally can be more convenient, cost effective, and attractive to customers.”   We are living in an age of the buyer’s market. These days, customers are far more discriminating than they have ever been, and it is no wonder because they have more choices to make than ever before, in the market today. As a result of this trending phenomenon, working in the marketplace means adapting to an increasingly demanding public because what used to be mere details, like environmental responsibility and local sourcing, are being scrutinized and favored more and more by consumers. They are looking for the products and services they buy to be closer to home, as it were. Doing business locally can be more convenient, cost effective, and attractive to customers. Community Relationships to Establish Loyalty When quality businesses in the same community get together to achieve mutual benefit, or for any reason, the …

StephanieDoing Business Locally

Why You Should Give to Charity and How to Do It

“When it comes down to a Pepsi Challenge with your competitor, the business who is involved with charity is likely to taste a little better than the alternative.” Put yourself in the shoes of an onlooker, and imagine seeing two companies that provide the same thing—except one of them gives to charity. It may not be the defining factor in a customer’s decision-making process, but to be sure, philanthropy reflects positively on your business. It demonstrates that you have a financial structure solid enough to give some away, as well as showing that you are about more than just turning a profit. And if you are giving to charity, then make sure you tell people about it. It looks good. Cross-Advertising Opportunities Getting involved with a charity is not a completely selfless endeavor because you can benefit from it as well; the collaboration can fill a need for both parties. …

StephanieWhy You Should Give to Charity and How to Do It

Be Transparent and Build a Company People Can Trust

“You have to first understand the underlying idea that to be transparent, everything about the way you do business has to be on the up-and-up.”   There is a lot to be said for showing your face in business. Many have a taciturn attitude towards customers—understandably so because confidentiality is a necessary measure—but it can be misconstrued as an attempt to deceive or mislead. Chances are, you have no intention of deceiving anyone; even so, you have to be conscious of the public’s perception of your business. That is the purpose of this article: A reminder of how important it is for a business to be honest about how and what it does. Let’s Be Honest Getting down to brass tacks: You have to first understand the underlying idea that to be transparent, everything about the way you do business has to be on the up-and-up. None of this applies …

StephanieBe Transparent and Build a Company People Can Trust

Grow Your Business through Symbiotic Partnerships

“Finding an established business to hook up with may be exactly what you need to really get off the ground.”   The idea is basic; it is ubiquitous in every area of business and even the larger, global economy because business is about more than buying something for a dollar and selling it for two. The appeal of a mutually beneficial business arrangement is self-evident, but what you stand to gain from it may not necessarily be a huge increase in your profit margin, but instead your gain may simply be something like exposure. And this may hold more value than making a huge profit right off the bat because, especially for a burgeoning startup, maximizing the reach of your business could mean greater profit in the long run. About symbiosis… Yes, this concept is derived from a naturally occurring phenomenon, but I will not be hosting another nature special …

StephanieGrow Your Business through Symbiotic Partnerships

Carry Yourself as Wildly Successful, Even If You’re Not—Yet

“When you see yourself as successful, you will automatically produce responses that move you towards actually becoming the highly successful entrepreneur that you see yourself to be.” They say that you should dress for the job that you want, not for the one you have. Of course in this case, we are not just talking about switching out the jeans and T-shirt for a suit and tie. Conveying an attitude of professionalism and success comes from a deep belief that you are doing something truly important. Even if your business has not quite arrived at the level that you aspire to be, carrying yourself as a success will help to bring your vision into real-life fruition. What Does Your Business Look Like? Many business owners seem to take it for granted that their office or store will automatically exude a professional image simply because business is being conducted there, without …

StephanieCarry Yourself as Wildly Successful, Even If You’re Not—Yet

7 Tips for Reducing Stress at Work

“Have you ever felt so overwhelmed at work that you thought you might completely flip out, if you took one more phone call?” You are not alone. The American Psychological Association found, in their annual Stress in America Survey, that 65 percent of Americans say work is “a top source of stress.” That was in 2012; we can surmise that this number has only gotten worse. The APA reminds us, however, that though we cannot avoid at least some work-related stress—it is manageable. Don’t stress yourself out about being stressed out because there are simple measures you can take every day to keep calm and carry on. 1. Create a Relaxed Work Environment One of the first things you can address is your work environment. Take a look around and check it out. Look at the atmosphere of your office, the people around you at work, and even the neighborhood …

Stephanie7 Tips for Reducing Stress at Work

How to Handle a Bad Review on Yelp

“A negative review from a Yelp user can certainly impact your business, but if you prepare yourself and respond well to it, you can get past a bad review, unscathed.”   Even if you have the perfect business with outstanding customer service, you will encounter less-than-complimentary reviews from time to time. Sometimes you deserve the negative feedback; other times, you don’t. The fact is that some people just want to complain. There is no reason why you cannot maintain a good attitude, while saving face at the same time—even in the face of a bad review. The key is to handle it productively and constructively.   Since its inception in 2004, Yelp has grown from a simple platform—not unlike the Yellow Pages we used to see in old-school, ink-and-paper phone books—to one of the top websites of all time, said to have the ability to “make or break” a small …

StephanieHow to Handle a Bad Review on Yelp

Your Business Needs A Top-Notch Team

“In the same way that your business cannot exist without customers, your business will strain without a great team.”   What is the most indispensable element to creating a business that works? People. While you are spending all your time making sure you are producing a quality product, lining up customers to buy it, tweaking your website, and organizing your schedule, your staff is the variable most easily overlooked. Of course you are going to choose the best staff you can find to make your goals a reality—but now that you employ them, are you giving them what they need to operate at their full potential?     Training It is your responsibility, as a business owner, to make sure your team is qualified, knowledgeable, and well-trained. The sphere in which your staff operates may be within a typical office setting or otherwise, such as remotely from home; either way, …

StephanieYour Business Needs A Top-Notch Team