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summer vacation from business
  Attention Business Owners: You have to take a vacation sometime. The unfortunate truth is that business owners work too

Recent Posts

  Fall is a great time to put a little extra effort into promotion and make good use of hyper-stimulated
  Some of the best marketing was either purposely, or accidentally made to be ridiculous or just awful—and they made
  The need for a brick-and-mortar office is far less than it used to be, with the advent of online
  Many successful business owners, when asked how they managed to work through the trials of entrepreneurship, will tell you
Can I really hang up? The first question on everyone’s mind, who has ever dealt with a difficult caller is
  Who is an Ideal Customer? When you are trying to find the right customers for your business, it’s important
The concept seems counter-intuitive: To reject some customers and put all your efforts into others? Yes—absolutely. Knowing who your core
Word-of-mouth is simple. Someone had a good experience with a business, and they tell other people that it was good

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