5 More Reasons You Should Get Up Really Early

OK, so you already know that it’s good to get up early, we all know it, and it’s no secret. So why don’t we all do it? The truth is that not all of us are wired to be early-risers—in fact, some of us are decidedly more functional or creative at night—but if you are a professional in any field, there’s no question that you should be an early riser. Here’s why: You will be happier and more productive. As stated in an article published by Psychology Today, “Early risers are happier, healthier, and more productive than night owls.” People who get up earlier generally report being in a better mood, due in large part to the social convention of the 9-5 workday that has been established in our society. What apparently happens is that there is a feeling of “finding your place”, in a sense, in addition to the …

Stephanie5 More Reasons You Should Get Up Really Early

How to Make Your Small Business Seem Like a Big Business

Your business has many different areas that need to be optimized to keep everything running smoothly. As one of the most vital elements of any business, your phone system has to be set up to handle anything your customers can throw at it. Not only can you serve your customers better with an efficient phone system, but it will also give your business a “large” feel, if it has some key features. [clickandtweet]Just because your business is small doesn’t mean it has to sound small.[/clickandtweet] One feature that gives your business a “big” vibe is a call menu, or phone tree. Also known as an auto attendant, this allows you to set up a professional menu to which you may send all of your calls. When you answer every business call on your cell phone, without a call menu, what’s going to happen? The caller will hear it ring, then …

StephanieHow to Make Your Small Business Seem Like a Big Business

It Takes More than a Cell Phone to Run a Business

The ability to run a business from your cell phone affords you a great deal of freedom and flexibility, but at the same time, it can add a lot of frustration. The problem with doing this is that your business calls are not being managed by any system, but it’s just you and your cell phone. Professional phone systems are set up a certain way that caters to serving customers with features like hold queues and call menus, but if you don’t have a system like Talkroute, your cell phone may not be up to the task. Here are some of the problems you may run into: The whole world knows your private number. Once you start taking business calls on your cell and giving out your number to customers, things can get out of hand pretty fast. There are not very many people who are okay with their private …

StephanieIt Takes More than a Cell Phone to Run a Business

6 Ways Your Voicemail Can Make or Break Your Business

Ask yourself this: Where would your business be without voice messaging? If you can’t reliably intercept and organize your business’ voice mail, then you can’t really serve your customers. This is one of the reasons that Talkroute exists in the first place. The Birth of a New Kind of Phone System When our cofounder, Paul, was building his first company, he found that when he needed to run his business remotely, using nothing but his cell phone, the tools to do so were difficult to find. Even Google Voice couldn’t quite cut the mustard. So, he created the tools he needed. Among other things, the ability to manage voice messages from customers was crucial. After very little deliberation, Paul decided that many business owners were experiencing the same problem, and Talkroute was born. You need a professional-grade solution for a professional business. Understand that the voice mailbox on your cell …

Stephanie6 Ways Your Voicemail Can Make or Break Your Business

When the Mobile Network Fails: Dropping Calls Like They’re Hot

There are a many elements that make your virtual phone system work, and one that is frequently taken for granted is your cell phone. Since Talkroute connects calls over the network that your phone already uses, it is a vital aspect of that system. The system usually works so seamlessly that it seems to happen like magic, but the truth is, we all know that sometimes the mobile network drops your call like a bad habit. Instant Gratification There is an invisible framework of connectivity that covers the entire country and plays an integral part in most of our lives—the mobile network, or cellular network. When we place a call from a cell phone, we are instantaneously connected to someone else, sometimes on the other side of the country, or even the world. Let’s take a look at how a call gets dropped, and what is responsible for it. There …

StephanieWhen the Mobile Network Fails: Dropping Calls Like They’re Hot

10 Ways to Keep from Burning Out at Work

1. Don’t give yourself unreasonable deadlines. Of course, there are some deadlines that are given to you, which you have no control over, but you can minimize unneeded pressure on yourself if the deadlines you set to complete work are reasonable. People will usually be fine with waiting a little longer for you to complete work, as long as you deliver when you say you’ll deliver; however, they will be far less understanding when you promise fast delivery and blow your deadline. 2. If all of your projects are coming due on the same day, that’s a fast-track to burnout. Again, this is where your schedule becomes vitally important. Every business owner has a schedule, but how many of them really adhere to it? Get on your Google Calendar every day, look at your deadlines, and make sure that they’re staggered. You will thank yourself. 3. Stay on top of …

Stephanie10 Ways to Keep from Burning Out at Work

11 DIY Web Design Mistakes, And How To Avoid Them

  Building a website for your business is easier than ever, but that doesn’t mean that you still can’t make a mess of it. Just as if you were a professional web designer creating a site for a client, you have to pay the same amount of attention to detail and quality, if you want a finished product that looks excellent, and performs how it should. There are all kinds of blunders you can make while building your site, but these are a few that you can easily avoid.   When designing your own website, you should NEVER…     1. Attempt to code, when you don’t know how to code. Attempting to write and manipulate code when you’re inexperienced is a bad idea, as any code professional will tell you. It’s really easy to successfully write a couple of short codes and gain a false sense of confidence, which …

Stephanie11 DIY Web Design Mistakes, And How To Avoid Them

Cell Phone EMF Radiation: The Dark Side of Technology

Do you remember when you bought a new cell phone, opened the box, and discovered a new pamphlet that warned you about the possible health risk associated with EMF radiation? Many people would probably throw this away, if they even noticed it at all, and the industry was well-aware of that. Even to this day, there’s not much of a buzz about the disconcerting risks connected with using electrical and wireless devices. When you saw the pamphlet about EMF waves, you were probably alarmed for a moment and quickly forgot about it because, after all, how could these devices be produced and sold on a massive scale if it was that dangerous? But the fact is that EMF radiation is suspected to be dangerous, and experts are now making a new push to raise awareness about the health risks of using wireless devices. History of EMF In 1830, English Physicist …

StephanieCell Phone EMF Radiation: The Dark Side of Technology
talkroute on hold music

On Hold Music and the Psychology of Waiting

Have you ever wondered why you hear music or informational messages while you’re on hold? The reason is to give callers something to listen to while they’re waiting, right? Well, yes, but music and messages on hold were deliberately designed, based on the psychological reactions of people when they are placed on hold. To check out Talkroute’s on-hold features, click here In this article, we will examine how callers respond to being placed on hold and the reasons they react in a variety of ways. The mind of a customer works in interesting ways, but it works in predictable ways, too, which is why businesses are able to create hold programs that create the best environment for callers, if they must wait. Here’s how it works. The subject matter, research, and many of the terms detailed in this article are chiefly derived from the report, “The Psychology of Telephone ‘On …

StephanieOn Hold Music and the Psychology of Waiting

17 Best Quotes from Famous Entrepreneurs

Sometimes we all need a little nudge to keep fighting the good fight, and that’s especially true if you’re running a small business. Fortunately, we can stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, been through the trials, and discovered how to navigate through life as an entrepreneur. The following is a list of thought-provoking quotes from some of our greatest predecessors. 1. “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” —Steve Jobs 2. “It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.” —Henry Ford 3. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” —Bill Gates 4. “What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.” —Donald Trump 5. “A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited …

Stephanie17 Best Quotes from Famous Entrepreneurs