First Impressions: Win Over Customers in Seconds

    First impressions are crucial. We decide within seconds whether we like or trust a person within seconds of meeting them. The same is true for a customer meeting a new business for the first time, and their impression is based on a few defining points that your customers use to judge your business.   Helpful, Knowledgable Staff The importance of a great team cannot be stressed enough. This is one of the things that we mention often in this blog, and the reason is that the people who work at your business are one of the first things that will either cause someone to fall in love with your business and become a loyal customer, or turn them off to you completely. Hand-picking and carefully training your team is something to which it is worth devoting a good deal of time & energy.   A Comfortable Environment You …

StephanieFirst Impressions: Win Over Customers in Seconds

10 Warning Signs of Investors You Should Avoid

    Business funding. Without it, nothing happens. The moral of this story is simply to be cautious when choosing an investor and not to let your eagerness to find capital cloud your judgement. Chances are, the perfect investor for your business is out there, and to find them, you have to first weed out those who fit the following description.   1. No portfolio, or a very small one. Finding the right investor for your business is not the time to take a chance on someone. Even if they seem to have all of their ducks in a row, you should probably pass on them if they can’t show you any prior successful investments, or very few.   2. Investments in various spaces. It’s not a deal-breaker if your investor has their hands in a few different projects; however, what you do want to see is a good deal …

Stephanie10 Warning Signs of Investors You Should Avoid

Teach Your Customers Not to Mistreat Employees

We can easily forget that there is a proverbial line which customers should not cross when interacting with employees of a business, and there are people who are more than happy to cross that line if they’re allowed to do so. The old sentiment, “The customer is always right” was invented during a time when the customer was probably a little more respectful of employees than they are today. Now it isn’t uncommon for a customer to make ridiculous demands and mistreat customer support representatives, even to the point of verbal abuse. That’s why your customers need some boundaries to discourage and prevent this kind of abuse. Yes, you should go above & beyond, but… This doesn’t mean that you should stop providing excellent service and support; on the contrary, we all know that it is essential for building positive relationships with customers and for generating good word-of-mouth for your …

StephanieTeach Your Customers Not to Mistreat Employees

Simple Tips to Solve Minor Phone System Issues

When a technical issue arises with your phone system, it can be scary. Your phones are something that you don’t really expect to stop working. Maybe it’s because the landlines we had in our homes growing up almost never went down, even when the power was out (landlines have an independent power source); or maybe it’s because we don’t even want to think about missing important business calls. It’s natural to feel anxiety when something isn’t working quite right with your virtual phone system, but there is no need to worry and this is why: Around 95% of the issues that Talkroute users experience with their phone system are due to errors in the setup configuration or user error, which are easily and quickly remedied. The rare cases when there is an actual system issue are typically solved in less than an hour or even in a few minutes, with …

StephanieSimple Tips to Solve Minor Phone System Issues

How Small Expenses Can Really Hurt Your Business

Many small businesses run things on a pretty tight budget to make sure they stay in the black, and to maintain that budget, they will naturally start thinking about cutting costs, to save large chunks of money where they can. A safer and more interesting cost-saving strategy, however, is to find the small expenses that can be more painlessly cut, eventually adding up to significant sums. The following little expenses are a great start to cutting costs. Ordering Too Much Product Depending on what your product is, this may have a lesser or greater impact on your business. For example, if you run a plant that manufactures building materials which do not deteriorate, then you can order more raw materials than is immediately needed without worrying about it too much. If your shop sells perishable products such as food items, on the other hand, then you can easily waste a …

StephanieHow Small Expenses Can Really Hurt Your Business

20 Quotes You’ll Love from Entrepreneurs & Authors

    Everyday work and life become a little uninspiring? Do you feel that you’re losing your passion? It’s still in there, you may just need to wake up your spirit, and these quotes are sure to stir the pot—20 provocative sentiments and powerful pieces of advice. Share your own favorites with us in the comments!   1. “Hell, there are no rules here—we’re trying to accomplish something.” —Thomas A. Edison   2. “Business is the art of extracting money from another man’s pocket without resorting to violence.” —Max Amsterdam   3. “Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.” —Karl Marx   4. “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.” —Bob Hope   5. “Money often costs too much.” —Ralph Waldo …

Stephanie20 Quotes You’ll Love from Entrepreneurs & Authors

How to Protect Your Investments of All Kinds

If you own a business, that means you have various investments, some of which may not even seem like an investment. Anything into which you put your time, money, or energy has to be monitored and protected, whether it’s a building, or the people who work for you. In fact, your team is one of the most important investments that you will make, so let’s start with them. Looking Out for Your Team Sometimes the thing into which you’re investing the most money and energy are your employees; so, they should receive a good deal of your attention. The thing is, if you carefully select quality employees, then you can feel good about devoting some resources to taking care of them, and you’ll find that you need to keep them happy if you want them to stay with your company. Equipment & Facilities It’s always a better policy to spend …

StephanieHow to Protect Your Investments of All Kinds
Creativity in Business

Creativity in Business: Beating the Status Quo

    When people think of business ownership, they tend to think of the people who are running those businesses as left-brainers—highly ordered and analytical professionals who think like machines. Although these traits are valuable to a business owner, the ones who are the most successful mix that pragmatism with the vision and creativity of a right-brainer. Like memorizing a piece of sheet music without playing it, a small business can never grow to its full potential without exploring new ideas.   Creativity can be learned. Creativity can be used in every field, every industry, and every walk of life, and fortunately, you don’t have to be a painter to possess it. Everyone has the ability to be creative; one just has to tap into that side of themselves and hone it like a skill so that it can be utilized. It’s kind of like when you learn how to …

StephanieCreativity in Business: Beating the Status Quo

Choosing the Best Equipment for Your Business

    Creating a space for your patrons and filling it with product is not enough to establish your business as the premium choice among your competitors. To do this, you need industry-standard facilities and quality equipment. Why a business should have the best equipment is fairly self-explanatory, but these are a few reasons why it will set you apart.   It’s more of a selling point than you think. This is one of those things that you don’t think people notice, but they do. If you have various local competitors who are using cheaper equipment, while yours is top-of-the-line (or at least very good quality), then this may be enough to cause customers to favor your business over the others. It’s a subtle difference, but one that people take notice of and see as a sign that you have a better product.   Less spending on repairs or replacements. …

StephanieChoosing the Best Equipment for Your Business

16 Startling Facts & Statistics for Entrepreneurs

    The following are some facts and stats that may surprise you, and even if not, they are valuable pieces of information that will give entrepreneurs a better understanding of how to approach running and organizing their business.   What is considered a “small business”? “The SBA Office of Advocacy defines a small business for research purposes as an independent business having fewer than 500 employees.” (U.S. Small Business Administration)   Funding & Finance “82% of business failures are due to poor cash management.” (U.S. Bank) “Roughly 7% of all startup capital is derived from credit cards.” (SBA) “Women are 30% more likely than males to start businesses without seeking financing, and only half as likely to obtain business loans from banks.” (SBA)   Direct Mail Marketing “A total of more than 150 million direct mail promotions were sent out in 2015. 42% of recipients read or scanned the …

Stephanie16 Startling Facts & Statistics for Entrepreneurs